
Brave over Lorax

That was a year ago I thought about bringing blogging back? Guess I'm still considering it. :-) I have an idea for a blog, but do I have the readership to understand/care for my musings? I am contemplating this. While I do, I recently have watched the "Lorax" and "Brave". So, I will review them.

   Brave: Another Pixar movie. I was disappointed with the short film. It was just a little dumb: cute, but just nothing really stand outish about it. The movie was a little disappointing as a whole- in the sense that its not one I would go out and buy like many of the others. Maybe because I was thinking, hoping the story would be something other than what it was- maybe a remake of a fairy tale, or a little more cute than it was. There were some tense and scary moments! (for a 5 year old). The sound track was good though. The scottish setting was believable and unique. What I think ended up being the most disappointing feature and the most detracting, was the witch with her magic. Well, that and the little wisps (spirits??) that lead everyone to their destiny, even though in the end, the heroine realizes that everyone's 'destiny' is inside them....bleh. The movie didn't dwell long on the witch, but the wispy things would definitely make little kids ask questions- Are there really things that lead us to our destiny? (no my child, follow your heart- your destiny is inside you- again: bleh). Aside from those minor caveats, the movie wasn't bad. The animation was again, suburb and visually stunning. The lesson about repentance and reconciliation was strong and very well received. I, however, just find it obnoxious how in so many movies the young person ends up being 'right', while the older, wiser adult realizes how 'antiquated' and 'wrong' they were.

     The Lorax ALSO was disappointing because I was expecting a cute, humorous movie, like Despicable me or even Horton hears a Who. It was moderately cute, but not nearly as humorous as  Despicable Me- and that had a great lesson. The talking fish and bears (that live off the truffula fruits) were much more minor in nature than you were lead to believe with the trailers. Overall, the Lorax was.... a childish environmentalist movie, which, you knew it was going to be. It just came across to me as overly so. And the songs (it was a musical) were non-grabbing and rather rediculous, including one that was downright offensive. Maybe kids wouldn't pick up that he's asking "how bad can I be? I'm just doing what comes naturally- and following my destiny"?  Kids pick up on far more than we think....And I'm sure it was meant to come off as obvious that he was "bad" because he was doing what was 'wrong' (by cutting down trees)- but really, in the end would I want my impressionable youngster getting this tune stuck in his/her head? I don't think so!

      At the end of the day, some minor enjoyment, but also the realization that life can go on just fine without movies- especially certain ones. I'll just take my girl for a bike ride or go swing.