
Spider Man 3

Spiderman 3 set all kinds of box office records. I thought it might. What do you expect after an entire Spring of mediocrity? The question will be if it can hold it's own since Shrek 3 and Pirates 3 open within the month. Despite what comicbook fans say and what some critics have said, I thought the movie was superb. I was most impressed with the message behind the movie- which basically is the same message behind all three. Peter was a real person, with real struggles and wow, that much about forgiveness? How can a positive message be allowed in Hollywood? Surely, someone should interject something about revenge or something from the Quaran- Something about hate being ok. Oh yes, the story had issues. Somethings weren't explained. A meteor? What the heck? Whatever happened to the little girl? Could Peter really be that shallow with marriage on his mind? Yes, he's human. Kudos to Bryce Howard's character for doing what she did. She was quite cool to see in this movie. Not a fan of Kirstin Dunst, and not a fan of her singing. I'm not a fan of a guy turning to a sand man with no explanation, and not a fan of some ultra jerky footage and sometimes overactive action scenes, but this movie get's a solid 4 out of 5 from me. And could be worth going to IMAX to see again!