
Review: Annapolis vs The Guardian


The Guardian

I like military movies. Maybe because I was in that setting at one time, perhaps because generally they are pretty good, still maybe I yearn for that kind of discipline. Whatever the case, I liked The Guardian but not Annapolis. Annapolis had a rather un-military style feel. The dude was 'dating' one of his 'commanding officers' (?) and training for a boxing match to beat up one of his superiors. This climax is aided by the fact that one of the most likable characters dies in a totally upsetting fashion which also ruined the best possibility for saving the movie- the fat guy makes it with help from the 'cool' guy. I didn't want to see a 'rocky' or I would have watched rocky which is by far a better movie anyway I thought.
As for The Guardian, it could be argued that it is just a big advertisement for the Coast Guard- and it is...though it's more like a dedication to their service- even a nice plug about Katrina. But it's not painfully obvious throughout the movie. The 'casual' 'relationship' that the main 'cool guy' has with this girl, though she won't go 'out' with him so it doesn't become serious is absolutely obsurd. What the heck? It also has a very implausible scene at the end in order to create a stirring ending, which purt near ruined it for me, but on the whole, it was a good movie. This one does have the 'cool guy' helping the 'unhelp-able'. The lead cool guy of course encounters trouble forcing him to be, of all things, a teacher where he of course encounters someone like himself who he has to refine. He does, and in a way, refines himself (which is why the ending isn't so good). Along the way he goes and gets revenge for this punk student and didn't punish a broken rule. After reading my own review, I suddenly think I wouldn't go see it. But honestly, I quite liked it. I probably wouldn't go spend another 8.50 on it, but that's different.