
Review: Lady in the Water

I looked forward to this movie because the last 3 by M. Night have been amazing in their own right. Besides James Newton Howard is a phenomonal music-editor...person. (composer?) I like his daughter too though, as the Narph (?) in this one, she wasn't nearly as attractive as the Villiage despite being half-naked throughout. My hopes fell after many poor reviews and lack of box office luster...but people don't appreciate art anymore so forget that. (evidenced by "Pirates" which is ok, but only as a blockbuster huge thrill type event) I must say, the only disappointment I had with 'Lady' was that M.Night didn't make his customary cameo! I thought that was semi-ridiculus. But it even had a few twists, which I saw coming. And, it was much more comedy than horror (not that it was meant to be either) but who knew sprinklers could make one jump?! Great music, I thought there were several characters who portrayed great acting and the story, while not serious or 'real' by any means, was still fairly profound and well done. Worth a watch and posssibly even collection worthy. A Blim-Blam film. :-)



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