
Pirates robbing me of my movie...

I've been looking forward to Pirates Two since last summer. What a surprise hit that was. I loved that movie- the first one that is. Two, I heard nothing but disappointing things about. I still went to see it, heck yes I did. I liked it....in a cheesy unbelievable way. But hey, the dead pirates in the first one were pretty far out there too. Somehow though, Long John Silver or whatever his face was, just didn't cut it as the 'squid' he turned out to be. And I thought Bootstrap didn't make an appearance till the third movie? Anyway, the most disappointing element about this movie was the deviation from the trailer. I despise movies that do that- it's false advertising. Ok, sometimes they'll take out a swear word, but this was blatant. Turner says 'We wait for Captain Sparrow" Then cut to the scene where Jack runs around the corner followed by a hundred tribesman after his head. In the Trailer Will Turner says "never mind, let's go". I don't even remember what he said in the actual movie, but it wasn't that! In fact it wasn't close to that. It was very anti-climatic. You could almost feel the audience anticipating that quote...but were left hanging. Sparrow had a great quote that I laughed out loud at (one of the only ones) but I forget it. There was a lot of laughter from the right side of the theater, they must have found something funny. It was humorous, but not laughable or maybe too much so to be funny. The plot was good. Sure it wasn't award-winning, but it was difficult to follow and understand. Maybe it was just me. And zooms, I know they are pirates but you can't trust ANYone!! Long and short of it is, the movie was just a build up for number three. Entertaining? Yes. Enjoyable? Sure. Pay full price again? Um, no. ~ET


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